Gaia Storyline Wiki
Gaia Storyline Wiki

LabTech 247 was one of G-Corp's LabTechs. He was turned into a Zombie during the Halloween 2004 event and then killed along with most of his fellow LabTechs in an explosion. He kept a journal of his experiences before turning.

He is notable for being the one who concocted the G-Virus, which caused the Zombie outbreak; having believed it would be a serum that would merely increase employee productivity.

He was also notable for his relationship with Gaia user Whescha, the first canon NPC & PC relationship.

It was revealed during the April Fools 2006 update, that in a panic to conceal G-Corp's secrets; he had murdered 013, by stabbing an infected syringe into his head.


See LabTech 247/Journal

Further Notes[]

  • 247's name is likely a pun on the term "24/7" considering that he rarely takes any time away from his research.
